AWR Time Model Statistics

The time model provides a summary of where the database is spending it's time. The report presents various time related statistic, such as DB CPU, and how much total time was spent in the mode of operation represented by that statistic.

If parsing time or hard parsing is significant, investigate it further. The % of DB Time should not to add up to 100% because there is overlap among statistics.

Generally you want SQL processing time high, parsing and other stuff low. Time related statistics presents the various operations which are consuming most of the database time. If SQL time >> DB CPU time then there are probably IO issues.

In the above example, user sessions used 1,961.34 seconds CPU time - about 84% of database resources.

In total, 2327.50 seconds database time was used. The total wait event time is calculated as 2327.50 – 1961.34 = 366.16 seconds.

Most of the database time (84.27%) was spent on DB CPU Time which is a good sign.

The total parse time was 137.82 seconds of which 46.68 seconds was hard parsing.

The rest of statistics is insignificant.